Monday 31 March 2014

Another Maya Mel Script

This time it is a little Mel script to convert degrees to radians or radians to degrees.
Of course maya have a embed procedure for that but it is much more efficient to have a mini interface to do the math and past result in the clipboard.


Monday 17 March 2014

Third Player Controller Part02 (Unity) (Update 26/03)

Hi everybody,

Last few days I started to re-do some stuff on my TP Controller.

I entirely recode the camera occlusion/collision and lock system.
And add some improvement to the  rest of the code.

I also intend to redo the character rig and animation before coding the main part of the climbing system. (The main goal of this project.)

I really think it is my biggest coding experiment and I learned a lot of things about C#, about coding in general and about myself, improve my technical skills and makes me happy to do something functional .

I will record a little video like the others to show the system in action.

So to update this article, I post today an image of the new IKFK Rig in Maya 2012.
(IKFK Arms, IK Legs and FK Spine)
I tried many IK spine solutions, but the IK spine with the advanced twist control in Maya destroy my IKFK arms and I don't know why, so I will use FK spine who is not so bad.
There is also driven keys on IK foot and FK fingers.

The character mesh and skinning are in progress. I will use a proxy style with non attached parts to simplify skinning and because it is not my main goal to have a complex character mesh to skin.

Copyright 2014 Polygon Experiment