Saturday 16 November 2013

My first Mel (Maya) script UPDATE(2/1/2014)

Hello everybody,

since a few days I've started to learn mel script for Maya,
and I would like to share my work in progress from my first script with the interface.

This is a script for exporting FBX for Unity, with some little options.
1.1) Select All(Geom) = select all geometry in the scene.
1.2) Clear selection = clear all selection in the scene.
2.1 and 2.2) Export selected and export all, are working with the bottom list.
3.1) Export objects centred to 0,0,0.
3.2) Export objects in separate files.
4.0) Add or remove items to the list, and clear all the list.

the script is still wip but the main functions behind buttons are almost finished.
I also think it's a very good start to learn an unknown programming language.

thanks for your support.

Update with some more buttons.
One to select object(s) in the scene from a selection on the bottom list,
two prefix and suffix export name options, and a refresh button to refresh list if you delete an object in the scene.

First final version. [Download].
It must be place in "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\maya\scripts"
This version save FBX(s) on the C drive.
To change that, change the line 230 : FBXExport -f ("c:/" + $vPrefix + $o + $vSuffix + ".fbx") -s;

For any problem, bug report, or implementation ideas, contact me by mail or just leave a comment.

Happy new years.
Sunday 22 September 2013

ZBrush Seamless textures rendering method


I post today a little method I wrote, for ZBrush seamless sculpting and rendering.

Sometimes a little seam can happen, depending on the ZBrush matcap.

1. Create a square document. 1024, 2048, ... exp2
2. Create a 3d plane and convert it to "Polymesh3D".
3. Divide it without smoothing.
4. Press "F" to frame the plane on the canvas.
5. Sculpt it with "wrap mode 1" on brush curve options. (For seamless sculpt.)
6. After sculpt and maybe polypainting, you can now render your seamless maps. (Diffuse, normal, etc)
7. In Render DeActivate "Shadows" on "Render Properties".
8. Activate Best render mode in top of render panel.
9. Do a "Best Preview Render"(BPR)
10. Export canvas image with ZapLink. (In "Document" panel. Before configure target app.)
(Ex: Photoshop)
11. Press "Drop Now".

1. Do a an "Offset" and clean if needed.
Wednesday 5 June 2013
My Portfolio


3D CG Artist (FR)
.Net C# Developer (FR)
Tuesday 23 April 2013

Third Player Controller Part 01 (Unity) Update 15/12/2013

To change of 3D modelling and increase my knowledge in C# for Unity,I started a new project of coding a Third Player Controller.
Of course the other projects are not cancelled but just in standby.
I must do other thing, and discover other things, than modelling and texturing.

I will detailed the project and the different steps to do or who are already done.

This is for now some ref I found on the internet.

Link to the section 4 of the Game Programming Gems 2 (Google Book)
Game Programming Gems 2

Some interesting books
Dev Books

An article on Stick Motion
Stick motion

An article on Third Person Camera Control
Third Person Cam Ctrl

And a first scheme of a Third Player Setup (Char and Cam)


Update 24/05/2013
I'm actually finish the first part of the rig of the character. (In Maya)
The leg and foots are in IK and the arms in FK.)
Good evening.

PS : The character controller code is almost done, but I have some problems with the camera rotation.
I will made a little video when the code will be ok.

Update 28/05/2013
My basic character is finally rigged and skinned.
And after some little tests of baking animation and export with FBX to unity,
it works fine. But one thing strange is that the FBX 2010 works better than 2012.
I can now re-open my animation book from Richard Williams.

Update 02/06/2013
This is the first video with basic animation and basic crossfade code.
I'm actually tweaking the movements speed and animation cross fading between idle, walk and run.
(Idle , Walk speed 1, Walk speed 2, Run speed 1 and Run speed 2)

Some interesting links :

Update 03/06/2013
Second video of this project, with new floor :-), and the three animations. (Idle, Walk and Run)
The animations are, like I said quickly made, and I'm going to restart from the beginning with good timing and other animations for a good smooth blending between each anim.

Idle - Trot - Walk - Jog - Run - Sprint (Optional)

Some interesting links :

Update 05/06/2013
Hi everybody,
after some code revision for camera follow, the camera rotation around player works fine.
(With the right pad stick when the player don't move.)
So this is the 3rd video.

Update 06/06/2013
The code for the camera rotation up/down is now functional.
But it will be for the next video.
And this is a part of the code I use to rotate the camera around the center of the character.

The main function for rotations.(Changing world position of the camera.)

And to aim the good axis of the camera to the character, it is just a custom LookAt.

Update 15/06/2013
New updates for the next days.

- Improve movements with faked physics. (For falling and jumping) OK
- Camera collisions/occlusion WIP
- Camera movements Up/Down lock.

Some interesting links :

Update 17/06/2013
After some search and some headaches about camera collision detection and occlusion,the system I made, with five Raycasts from player head to the camera, work but there are still some problems that I really don't know how to fix.

After reading a chapter from Game Programming Gems book on camera occlusion,
I don't know if my system is the best I can use for this purpose.

In this book they talk about a sphere casting.
Theoretically, it's more easy with sphere.
So I will try with this system.

Update 15/12/2013
After six month doing other things, work among other things,
this is a little update of this project with working moving platforms.
And  I began to work on the climbing system like Uncharted and other 3rd person games like that.

And merry Christmas celebration soon.

Copyright 2014 Polygon Experiment